fine art prints

each print is made on archival quality paper, handsigned by the artist, numbered and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity

premium limited edition
size 100x150cm - limited edition of 3+II AP

size 70x100cm/100x100cm - limited edition of 5

size 50x70cm/50x50cm - limited edition of 10

mounted and framed on request

limited edition
Limited edition prints in various formats from 15 to 30 copies, mounted and framed on request.
formats: up to 30x40cm/40x40cm

objects "alu-frame" in very limited edition
15x15x3cm, original film-frame retroilluminated, laser-cutted aluminium frame, edition of 1
with magnifying glass, illuminated by embedded battery (no cables necessary)

For any enquiries and further informations please send an email